Hard to Focus


Life is busy. My life is crazy busy. I’m having a hard time staying focused on everything! In the end we manage just fine, having a good time in our world of chaos so that’s a good thing but my blogging falls behind! Maybe it’s better for me to be a little less in your face, then you don’t get sick of me 😀

As I’m trying to recap in my head 5 seconds before I type I can’t even remember what happened on FRIDAY! Thank goodness I take pics of the whiteboard or I might forget all together. But let me first talk about my EATING to PEFORM! I did really good during the week. Had some tweaks to make but overall hit the marks I needed to hit. But it was a big ol’ fail for the weekend! I wouldn’t say I didn’t eat too much or not enough but I didn’t eat balanced and I didn’t eat clean so 1 week wasted! I know, it’s not WASTED completely but I’m not gonna lie, eating to perform is not an easy task for me. A lot of food to be taking in and forget about planning when you are gone the whole day.

"Bulletproof" style

“Bulletproof” style

As of yesterday I’m trying out my coffee “bulletproof” style. I say style because I didn’t buy the UPGRADED coffee beans and I’m not using the MCT oil. If you don’t know what bulletproof coffee is then please click HERE to read more. Pretty much this is supposed to make life much more awesome and help me get those fats in that are hard to consume! Coffee, Grass Fed Butter and MCT oil is the magic concoction and so far so good. I was feeling pretty bleh yesterday and I did half the suggested portions. So I was feeling a little less than excited. But today I feel much more amped on it and alert. I had two separate servings of 8oz of coffee with 1tbs of KerryGold Butter and Liquid Coconut Oil (93% MCTs). It’s a lil different but not too shabby in the end. Going keep this up and see if I notice anything grand in the next few weeks.

4/12/13 WOD
Friday’s WOD was an 18 minute AMRAP team WOD. Probably the longest 18 minutes ever! It consisted of PULL UPs and Med Ball Sit-ups! BLEH! After a few rounds, my triceps were strained and dying. By the end they had died and my forearms were on their own deathwalk! It was miserable. But my partner Kristina stuck with it and we got 9 rounds + 5 reps. Not too bad for the pair of us!

4/12/13 WOD

4/12/13 WOD

4/13/13 Community WOD
As most of you know I do enjoy the community WODS, sometimes there is new folks, sometimes out of towners and sometimes it’s just a handful of us regulars but they always seem to be fun. I don’t know that I can say this time was fun! Hehe.

Teams of 3
5 rounds of 1 minute KB Swings, 1 minutes Overhead Plate Shuttle Run, 1 minute rest. YAY FUN! NOT!

Our team had 4 so two of us did the same movement together. While each of the other people were on the other station. That 1 minute rest station was NICE. The shuttle run NOT NICE at all. We took total reps completed for the final score. The way we did the 2 person movement was to split the difference of our final rep count. So I think I got 180 and Tristan got 186 so we said we had 183 reps. I think that was pretty fair in the end. Overall our team came in 2nd with 472 reps.

Since that went by so quickly Coach had us do DEATH by AIR SQUATS! We have never done that before and by 10 minutes he figured that it would go on forever so at the 10 minute mark he made us double up. instead of 10 reps we had to do 20 and at the 11 minute mark we had to do 22 reps. Well that gets you much faster and I only made it through 24 reps. That’s 111 squats.

4/16/13 WOD
I took Monday off. 6 days in a row and 1 rest day wasn’t enough so I took 2 rest days and low and behold I come back to a burpee, run, pull up WOD. Are you freaking kidding me. I wish I had the energy to wake up on Monday morning then I might have slept in this morning! Ok probably not, my weaknesses are definitely running and pull ups!

Skill/Strength: 75 Hollow Rocks, 75 Superman Rocks
I’m so much better at the Superman Rocks. My joke is that my belly is what allows me to rock so well! And more than 10 Hollow Rocks pretty much sucks!

4/16/13 WOD

4/16/13 WOD

MetCon: 90 seconds Max Effort of Burpees, Red gate SPRINT, 10 Bar MUs (but for me 30 pullups)
The Burpess. UGH! I got 25 in the 90 seconds. I’m sure I could have squeezed a few more in but my mind was already dreading the run. The red gate and back is about 3/4 of a mile. It’s not an exact but definitely close to it. Good thing is I didn’t stop the whole time. Most runs I stop and walk at some point. Some if that’s the one positive I can pull then that’s what I’ll focus on! Still slow though :/ Got back to the bar and my lovely band assistants. Coach wanted me to do Kipping Pull Ups with Blue Band. Got 1 and it went downhill from there. So I moved up to Green Band and got 2. Woooo. Then I was getting nowhere. So I doubled up with the green and blue band and chipped away. Time: 18:09! Man those Pull Ups took forever!

After a few minutes of rest, Coach wanted me to do a handful of extra pull ups with just the green band. With a little rest and no pressure of the clock, I did 5 in a row. Woooo! The flip side is now I HAVE to use the green band only. No more double banding. It’s bittersweet. It’s progress but still bittersweet!

Hopefully tomorrow is a good CLEAN kind of workout and no more pull ups or running! Hehe, doubtful but hopeful all at the same time 🙂 Have a fantabulous Tuesday. And don’t be shy, go out there and be AWESOME!
