Ya Don’t Say


Two days in a row! That’s miraculous.

I almost didn’t make the 6:30 CF Boom class and that would have been sad. I’m glad I made it but boy oh boy, I’m so sore today.


Sled pushes


12:00 min AMRAP for: (ROUNDS + REPS)
Hang Power Clean ~75% of clean

REST 6 min

08:00 min AMRAP for: (ROUNDS + REPS)

Since it’s been a couple of weeks, I went 10lbs lighter than 75% of my 1RM clean. This left me at 85lbs for the Hang Power Cleans. We were instructed to do the scheme reps as posted above but to drop the bar between reps. So I did 1 Hang Clean, drop the bar, 2 Hang Cleans, drop the bar, 3 Hang Cleans, etc. After I got to my set of 5, I start over. 1 Hang Clean, drop the bar, 2 Hang Cleans, drop the bar and so forth. Rinse and Repeat for 12 minutes.

Each set of 1-5 counted as 5. My final score was 30. That’s 90 reps in 12 minutes. Doesn’t sound like a whole lot, but it takes a toll. I feel like I could have pushed a little harder and maybe got 35, but breathing was hard and my grip was getting weak.

We rested for 6 minutes then moved on to the HSPU. Modifications were Ring Push Ups or Push Ups with our hands on dumbbells. I used the dumbbells and I only made it through 2 rounds of the the 1-5 set. I suck at Push Ups!










I do cook often and regularly, I just don’t wanna. And it gets old and cooking the same quick things over and over gets tired fast. So although I complained yesterday about cooking, I still did. Nothing fancy, some baked chicken, asparagus and enough egg muffins to feed my troops for one day. It’s been a while since I made egg muffins but they were a super big hit this morning. Chorizo makes all the difference!

I can’t promise you, that I’ll post daily, but THIS TIME, FOR REALSIES, I’m trying to stick to it.

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