Lightning, Thunder and PRs!

We had a nice thunderstorm going on for part of our workout today at the BOOM Box. Literally BIG BOOMS from overhead! And BIG BOOMs for some PRs today. Ok my PR wasn’t big but it’s a PR right?!?


Our skill strength was Back Squats 5, 3, 1+ which means more MATH. Thank goodness for calculators 🙂 So I had 115lbs, 130lbs and 145lbs. Well Ladies and Gents that last 1+ is already 5 lbs over my 1 RM! So it’s PR day or NO REP! I barely squeezed out that 1 rep went back down in hopes for 2 reps but it was a big FAIL! Ah well! At least I got the 1 rep. NEW PERSONAL RECORD?!? YES INDEED, I’ll take it!!! And Kudos to Melanie for KILLIN it with 6 reps for her PR at 140lbs!

The MetCon was 5 rounds of 20 situps and 12 pull ups. Well I have made progress on pullups but not enough to justify dropping to the green band only… THANK GOODNESS cause I sucked at the pull ups today! And I don’t suck at sit ups but they are way easier to do with an ABMATt. Dude I did my first two rounds without one but by the 3rd round all of us were at different stages so I swooped in on an empty abmat and it was HEAVENLY! You don’t realize how they help! I flew through situps EASY. I just wish I could say the same for pull ups. But I managed to finally make it through. What I thought was my last one was at 13:02 but since I got a no REP I ended at 13:22.

Community WOD at Stovall Park in the A.M. I fear it will be lots of running 😦 NO FUN, but we’ll see! And lets hope the RAIN stays away as well! Unless we’re running of course 🙂

In other NEWS the RANGERS ARE ON FIRE!!!! I totally heart these guys!

Mandatory Credit: Andrew Weber-US PRESSWIRE

Last but not least let’s hope I get those cookies tested out this weekend 🙂 Make it a great day, weekend, etc! SMILE even if you look like a big ol dork!

4 thoughts on “Lightning, Thunder and PRs!

    • Thank you! Doh – Red Sox! Eh I’m not a hater of them though. And one of my kiddos actually played for a little league team that was the Red Sox so I got some gear! But it’s a little hard in Texas to take the heat unless you’re a die hard or from that city originally!

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