Sometimes You PR, Sometimes You Don’t


Three days in a row last week was all I could handle! Now, hoping to make four days this week at the Boom Box!

Monday was already going to be a struggle because I decided to drink too many margaritas on Saturday. That turned into a worthless Sunday and I knew it would spill over into a not so fun Monday. I pretty much kicked myself the whole time about those dang margaritas.




Single leg Split Squat x 12 reps

Rest 30 seconds

Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 3 minutes

So Single Leg Split Squats will get you every time. My booty is so sore! I should really make these a daily thing but that’s one more thing I gotta try and fit in. For Handstand Push Ups, I just did Handstand Holds. My wrist was good for the first 2 rounds but started to get irritated on the last round.


Annie For (TOTAL TIME)

50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
Sit Ups

Oh, Annie, one of my favorites. Only because I KNOW I can do this workout. I haven’t always been great but on this day I finally PR’d. Two years ago I had a 7:58 finish. One year ago, I had a 9+ minute finish. But on Monday, I had a 7:34 finish! Wooooo! But again cursing those margaritas as I was sluggish on the Sit Ups.



Find 1 Rep Max: Clean

15 min

And this is where I didn’t get a PR. I know, I know, I took some time off. And boy did I feel it. My last PR was 125lbs. But today I only got to 110lbs before I had to call it quits.


3 ROUNDS, WORK 01:00 min, REST 02:00 min OF:
Ground to Overhead 135/95

After all the Squat Clean work, my wrist was getting weak. I was going to go for 85lbs but decided not to try and hurt myself so I went for 65lbs, hoping I would get more work in by getting a lot of reps in. The first round, I did 12 unbroken and I shouldn’t have dropped the bar but I did and I let it sit there for too long before picking it back up. By the time I did, I could only manage 3 more reps. After resting, I told myself I would get at least 16 reps on the next round but that was just a lie I was telling myself. I did stay consistent though with another 15 reps. By the third round I just didn’t want to lift the bar anymore, but completed 12 reps. Grand total: 42 reps at 65lbs. Not great, but not bad.

Until Next Time

I can tell you my boozing days are limited if not over. I’m still hurting from Saturday. And then add all the soreness from Monday and yesterday. My shins are dying from the Double Unders.

My eating is still subpar, but I’m doing what I can… sometimes! It’s birthday dinner for my Dad tonight, so no planned workout. Maybe I’ll get ambitious and take a jog later this evening. Hehe. I did say maybe!


Ya Don’t Say


Two days in a row! That’s miraculous.

I almost didn’t make the 6:30 CF Boom class and that would have been sad. I’m glad I made it but boy oh boy, I’m so sore today.


Sled pushes


12:00 min AMRAP for: (ROUNDS + REPS)
Hang Power Clean ~75% of clean

REST 6 min

08:00 min AMRAP for: (ROUNDS + REPS)

Since it’s been a couple of weeks, I went 10lbs lighter than 75% of my 1RM clean. This left me at 85lbs for the Hang Power Cleans. We were instructed to do the scheme reps as posted above but to drop the bar between reps. So I did 1 Hang Clean, drop the bar, 2 Hang Cleans, drop the bar, 3 Hang Cleans, etc. After I got to my set of 5, I start over. 1 Hang Clean, drop the bar, 2 Hang Cleans, drop the bar and so forth. Rinse and Repeat for 12 minutes.

Each set of 1-5 counted as 5. My final score was 30. That’s 90 reps in 12 minutes. Doesn’t sound like a whole lot, but it takes a toll. I feel like I could have pushed a little harder and maybe got 35, but breathing was hard and my grip was getting weak.

We rested for 6 minutes then moved on to the HSPU. Modifications were Ring Push Ups or Push Ups with our hands on dumbbells. I used the dumbbells and I only made it through 2 rounds of the the 1-5 set. I suck at Push Ups!










I do cook often and regularly, I just don’t wanna. And it gets old and cooking the same quick things over and over gets tired fast. So although I complained yesterday about cooking, I still did. Nothing fancy, some baked chicken, asparagus and enough egg muffins to feed my troops for one day. It’s been a while since I made egg muffins but they were a super big hit this morning. Chorizo makes all the difference!

I can’t promise you, that I’ll post daily, but THIS TIME, FOR REALSIES, I’m trying to stick to it.

This, that and the other

arghhhhI know I’m a broken record when I say I’m busy and I need to focus on this blog thing. But it’s true! The past month has been a whirlwind of crazy. End of the school year for kiddos, baseball, baseball & more baseball! I’m about to have two high schoolers and one in jr. high! They literally pull me into every direction.

Hopefully over the next couple of months, I can focus on me! Eating clean, working out and EATING CLEAN!

Oh the eating, that’s my downfall currently, as it may be with you. Or maybe you are just the most super awesome person and you need to come cook for me!

It’s not that I’m even OVER-eating, but I’m not clean eating and I know my food choices are just not good. And if you know me, you know I love working out. I really do, unless it’s running, rope climbs or pushing/pulling a sled. But it’s the eating that has been getting me lately. We’ve been on the go for the past 3 weeks and I just don’t want to cook, AT ALL! I’m good at cooking when I feel motivated. But just the thought of standing in the kitchen right now kills me! It’s a horrible mindset, I know. But hey, this is me being honest.

In addition to eating poorly, I’ve been MIA at CrossFit Boom for a few weeks now. Dang, double whammy! You know it! But I finally get back to it today. Wooo! It’s much needed for stress-relief and my overall well-being.

I’m trying and struggling y’all. Stick with me though. 🙂

Walking… Today It’s a Struggle


A few weeks ago, my workplace had a health fair type day. There was a little bit of everything. Health food vendors, massage therapists, wellness screenings and raffle prizes for health related stuff. They also had a sign-up to win sessions with a trainer. I figured why not, I need the extra kick in the butt and it would be during my lunch hour… so I threw my name in. Turns out everyone who signed up got to be in the training session. Woooo!

It’s mostly cardio based (which I do need) and so far has been nice extra push to my CrossFit world. The bad thing is that there are MIRRORS everywhere! I haven’t been in a non-CrossFit type environment in over 3 years where there are ZERO mirrors. Suddenly I found myself turning into my old way of thinking – judging everything – about ME. I know I have some extra layers of flub on me the but the mirrors are a huge negative reminder. Not that I don’t own a mirror at home but when I’m working out, I’m working out! Feeling good. Feeling empowered. I have strength and I press on. So day one, although good, was strangely stressful. I did better on day two though. Just pushed through and brought the intensity.

Adding that to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday CrossFit classes and I’m smoked. My shins, quads, hammies, feet… they all hate me! Not in the “overdid” it kind of way. But close! I need the shake up both physically and of course when it comes to food. I’m getting there. Making better choices and really trying to focus on the phrase I know all too well… “You can’t out train a bad diet!”

Tuesday – 4/21/15

8 min EMOM
odd 10 KB lunges
even 2 Turkish Get-Ups

Eight minutes isn’t a very long time. But add up the lunges and the balance it takes for Turkish Get-Ups and I was feeling like I could have called it a day!

Pull-ups (modification: Ring Rows
OHS 65/45

Chippers. They can be your worst enemy sometimes. But I feel when it’s set up to to go from higher reps to lower reps, it’s easier on the mindset. The first set of Ring Rows and OHS went along smoothly. I did them all unbroken. I know that’s not impressive, being that Ring Rows aren’t entirely difficult an the OHS was only 45 lbs. But the idea is to move fast and get some work in. And then the round of 9. Ring Rows slowed down. I had to break them up. It was a sad state of affairs. But at least I was crushing my OHS. By the time I got to the round of 5, I was not feeling as defeated. I was almost done and the reps were getting fewer and fewer. I wanted to push harder on the Ring Rows… but there’s a point where the brain is not winning. Time: 8:30

Wednesday, 4/22/15

8x – 50ft band sprints

Not much to say here. Short and sweet.

5 rounds for: (Total Time)
Run 400m
20 KB Swings (1.5/1)
30ft Handstand Walk (Modified: shoulder touches on box)

Running. Bleh. If you know me, my feelings on running have not changed. Sadly, probably only have become more negative.  After my first run, I thought my left calf was going to literally explode, so I nicely asked if I could substitute the run with a row. Coach was cool with it. Which was great cause if not then I’d still be out there trying to finish!

KB Swings at 1 Pood… easy peasy! Ha. Maybe for the first 3 rounds. But towards the end, everything was a struggle.

And for my modified shoulder touches. I initially thought I got this. So I popped up into a handstand against the wall and just stood there. All I had to do was lift one hand off the ground and touch my shoulder. But my hands did not move. Didn’t budge :/ So I had to go to an even more modified situation using a box.


This I could do. Right hand to right shoulder. Left hand to left shoulder. 30 times. Rounds 4 and 5 were a blur. But I finished. Time: 23:04


I Sit on a Throne of Lies

BackAtItPostBANNER1Yup that’s right folks. I came at you with a fresh blog post in January saying I’m back, I’m here, I’m present… and then poof, I lost my blogging voice. I lost my mojo. While I can’t say with certainty that I’m BACK, I’m at least pressing on and trying to get back to sharing, motivating and whatever else someone may get from reading my ramblings.

While my Whole30 crashed and burned back in January, please know I have not given up completely. I am still eating clean, but I’m not at a good percentage. Maybe 60/40. I’m hitting up CrossFit at least 3 times a week for the most part but it’s varied depending on the schedule of the week. So it could be two days one week and then five the next week. With three teens, it can get hectic!

For those of you that don’t know me on the Facebook, I check-in religiously when I hit up CrossFit Boom. Yes, I’m aware that it can be super annoying. But hey, it’s only once a day. A while back, I had one friend notice I stopped my checking in so much – mostly because I thought it was too much, but she messaged me saying my posts kept her motivated. And I thought to myself, well that’s why I’ve been doing it. And if just that one person is motivated then the check-ins will resume. So even if I’m not perfect right now at least I’m motivating someone. I’m no model of stellar fitness but I’ve managed to motivate a coworker to clean up her eating habits and with her success, I’m re-motivated myself.

Which brings me back to my blog! Ah yes. Getting back to it all. I’m still trying to figure out my new voice in the chaos of my life. Looking back I realized I became stale and boring in my posts. It was in sync with me getting out of control with eating, booze and lack of commitment at the box. So it makes sense. I lost the passion.

I’m struggling to get it back, so bare with me. I’ve been successful at the box. I’m making gains. And it feels good. Now I just need to button up the eating by being prepared for all moments of the days, not just some… especially on baseball weekends with the kids.

4/20/15 Workout

Mobility (much needed): Hamstrings, Hips, Shoulders, Back

EMOM 6 Ring Dips (modified: push-ups) and 9 Power Cleans (115lbs/75lbs)

So in my fluffier state, push-ups aren’t my forte. Plus my shoulders are shot so knee “girl” push-ups it is for me. I did do 2 regular push-ups to start off with if that counts for anything! For me, a 75 lb clean is fairly easy. But when you pair it with push-ups and you only have ONE minute to get the 15 reps in before you have to start over, then it’s not so easy. I struggled with this workout. Maybe cause I was running on 4 hours of sleep. Or maybe I didn’t have enough food in me for the day. Regardless. I was ready to quit after the second minute. I held on a little longer and almost made to through 5 minutes but I only completed a full 4 rounds.

No picture of the board for the WOD. But I will get pack to picture taking and keeping track.

Thanks for stopping by if you’re new and thanks for sticking with me if you’re an old follower 🙂

… sigh …


I KNOW, where did I go?

Well for starters, I fell into the cesspit of poor eating and letting every excuse get in the way. Then I started a new job, which is great, but gave me even more reason to stay away from the good ol’ blog.

All in all, I was/am in a bad place when it comes to eating, an OK place when it comes to working out – but as most of you know you can’t out exercise a poor diet. I’m living proof. Right here, right now.

That’s it. And with the new year, as many folks do, I’m changing my ways! (insert sarcasm here) But for real. I’m tired of falling off the horse only to fall off again or better yet, not getting back on. I look back at my earlier, ENCOURAGING and happy posts in shame. I live on the slippery slopes of excuses… but not for long.

It’s all changing on January 5! It’s time for a reboot. Time for … say it with me… Whole30! Yay! But I need your help. I need your encouragement. I started a forum post for just that over at the Whole30 site:

I can’t make a comeback without help. So follow along with me or even join me! See you January 5!


Still not finding my Happy Place!


I’m really not trying to be a slacker, I promise, it just happens! Last week, I got this really dumb foot pain, so I laid off the CrossFit which in turn leaves me to be a loser and not blog! It wasn’t all for nothing, I still did some work, just not as intense. I did realize that my foot doesn’t hurt when I’m actually doing an activity so back to the BOX this week and I’m sore EVERYWHERE! That’s having 1 week off and only 2 workouts into the week! WTH?!?


I know it’s good, my body is working and muscles are being tested but wowsers it hurts to walk right now. As for the eating, it’s been so-so. Sometimes I make nice healthy choices and sometimes I make not so healthy ones. I’m not gaining weight, but I’m sure not losing it very quickly either. Still trying to find my Happy Place.

5/5/14 WOD
Strength: FS 5×2 @ 85%
Woooweee, I was not liking Front Squats at all. I couldn’t even get to my 85% without wanting to die. I only made it to 75% which felt plenty heavy.

5/5/14 WOD

5/5/14 WOD

MetCon: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 KB swings 1.5/1 Thrusters 75/45
I’m happy I can do the weight for the Thrusters with my wrist. It’s light weight but after 84 reps, the good ol wrist was feeling it pretty good. Even with the KB Swings, it was all the reps that got me. It’s what I needed though. Time: SLOW 16:35 RX

5/6/15 WOD
Skill: Handstand Walk
Well I can do Handstands against the wall easy. I can hold a freestanding one for seconds at best, but walking. Just more dumb fears. Coach was spotting us and I can move my hands like 2 inches, hahah, before I’m all “nope not gonna do it.” Maybe a few pounds lighter and learning how to block that fear. I could do them just fine when I was 16 years old. Not the same at 36 years old.

5/6/14 WOD

5/6/14 WOD

MetCon: 1k row, 50 HR Push Ups, 30 T2B
Ok I can barely walk normal from all the Thrusters on Monday. Now I’m supposed to row a 1K. I know it’s not far. But rowing and short people don’t go hand in hand. Over the weekend, the hotel we were staying at was home to a whole rowing team from West Virginia. Not one girl was under 5’8″. They were all tall and very in shape. But there were ZERO 5’2″ girls walking around. If only I could be taller! Hehe.

It took me just under 5 minutes to row the 1K. Who knows how long it took me to do the Push Ups. But it felt like FOREVER. Then it was down to Toes To Bar. Ugh. If you’ve been following along, you know that once upon a time, I could do 2 to 3, then I lost the T2B all together. But then I found them again. But only in singles. After about 10, I’m smoked. And it’s a true butt whooping to get the rest of them. Time: 13:46 RX

That’s a Wrap!
So I’m still struggling but the struggle is not so bad. I’m trying on some days and not giving a crap on other days. I KNOW what I NEED to do but geesh, it’s been harder than ever right now. I’ll just keep chugging along though. Trying is better than not trying.


I did finally try a FitAid drink. Coach has them at the BOOM Box for purchase. And when I ask people what they taste like, I get responses saying it’s alright. And that it tastes like Mountain Dew. Well I don’t like Mountain Dew but I finally decided to try it. And it’s not too bad after all. It’s citrusy, like Sunny D with carbonation. And it has good things in it for you. It’s not a perfectly clean drink but it’s better than a lot of crap that’s out there. Anyone else drink this? Do you drink it consistently? Do you see any positive benefits? Let me know!


Other than that, Have a happy happy Wednesday!

Mornings or Evenings


As you all know I’m trying to get back to my consistent workouts and slowly but surely I am getting there. (Too bad my blogging is still struggling, but I’m working on that too!) The biggest thing I’ve struggled with though is getting back to the EARLY MORNING workouts. I used to be so good. Getting up and getting to the box at 5 am was a no brainer. Just get up and go. Then I got lazy and chunky and sleep just sounded so much better.

Then there’s the evenings… those are oh so nice. My brain and body are awake. I’m way more limber and it’s not as hard to get moving and warmed up. My performance may not be better but I feel better! It does, however suck up my whole evening. And well that’s no fun.

But I did finally show up at 5 am today and boy oh boy I feel GRAND! I have energy. I’m ready to go and tackle the day. And in truth, I know I’m more of a morning person. But as with anything, you fall out of routine and it’s hard to get back. Yes this morning, I was achy and groggy. But by the time I was done and showered up, I was all woooooo!

I’ve been a slacker at the blogging so here are some quick recaps from the week!

Skill: Kipping HSPU Progression
We did a lot of stuff I couldn’t do, so this was mainly a sideline event for me.

4/18/14 WOD

4/18/14 WOD

MetCon: 400 Total Reps AFAP – 1 minute at each station of Burpess, Step Ups, Jumping Air Squats and Walking Lunges.
You just keep rotation until you get your 400 reps in. Or die. Thankfully no one died but I sure did feel like it at various times. There’s not much to say except my hips were smoked. This was not a FUN workout :/ Time: 21:15

Skill: Muscle Ups
Ya, still not good at this.

4/21/14 WOD

4/21/14 WOD

MetCon: 10 rounds of 6 Cleans and 3 Front Squats, every 90 seconds do 3 HSPU or 1 Wall Walk.
Boy do I love me some Cleans. And the wrist is getting better everyday so I was excited for this workout all except for the HSPU or Wall Walk part. My wrist can’t handle Wall Walks just yet so Coach had me do 6 ring dips (band assisted). So I was back to happy place. That was until about round 4. I was over Cleans, my wrist was getting fatigued and I thought crap I still have 6 more rounds. There’s no way. But I hung in there and just chipped away. Time: 13:12

Game: Wall Ball Bowling
Well this was different. There were plates ranging from 15lbs to 45lbs set up like pins but flat and a medball. We split up into teams and got to roll medball for two frames. Whatever plate our ball landed on determined what movement the other team had to do. So if you landed on 25, it was 25 Push Ups for the other team. 15 = Wall Balls, 25 = Push Ups, 35 = KB Swings and 45 = Sit Ups. Thankfully our opponents weren’t very good so we only had 1 round of Sit Ups and and 1 round of Push Ups! It was fun though.

4/23/14 WOD

4/23/14 WOD

MetCon: 3 Turns of 2 rounds of 10 Dumbbell Snatches and 250ft Sprint.
We were supposed to get timed but that didn’t happen so we just did 3 rounds of hell AFAP. Except my fast as possible sprint included a slow trot by the end. We had 40lb dumbbells and had to alternate 10 reps. I actually got better as the rounds went on when I wasn’t dying from the “trot”. But 40lbs is still heavy for me. This workout was pretty much evil. But still a good one.

Woooo I finally made a 5am class.

Skill: Snatch
It’s been a while and my whole body hurts from the week so I wasn’t sure how I’d do, but besides a few rusty warm ups, I got back into this movement pretty ok. Not perfect or anything, but good enough.

4/25/14 WOD

4/25/14 WOD

MetCon: “Isabel” 30 Snatches for time
Coach didn’t want us to go so heavy we lost form and even though I’ve hit 85lbs just a handful of times, I wasn’t prepared for 85lbs or even 75lbs. So I went with 65lbs. That ended up not being too bad. Coach didn’t want us going light and finishing under 3 minutes, but he didn’t really want us going over 6 minutes either. I busted out two sets of 5, then sets of 2 then singles. Time: 4:14

That’s a Wrap!
So like I said it was slow rolling. A grumbly stomach prevented from hitting the box up on Monday and an unexpected ER visit for one of my kiddos prevented me from going on Thursday. But all is well and I’m still eating tons better than I had been last month. So yay for small steps! It’s possible for all of you on the bubble. You can do it! There’s not one day that’s better than any other day to getting back on track. You just gotta do it! So whatever that is… eating clean, getting active or anything to a healthier life, you got this! Have a great weekend!


Surviving the Week


It’s Friday! Woooo! Only one bad meal this week so far. And it was only bad due to the beverages I consumed. But other than that this week has gone along quite nicely. I’m struggling a bit with the workouts but I am getting them done!

Considering this isn’t my first rodeo, I thought I would be feeling more food withdrawals. But this time around, I’m only feeling a little sluggish. But not much more than that. I’m not even a full week in though, so there’s still time for a little bit of misery. Not that I’m hoping for it, but I don’t want to relax and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. That would be a good time to fail :/


It helps to try and have a positive attitude though, which can be hard. Along with most of the overweight world, I wish there was an easy fix. But there is not. I wish that my couple of days of hard work translated to 20lbs weight loss. But it hasn’t. I wish that as long as I’m working hard in my workouts than the food I eat doesn’t work against me. But it does. All of those things could bring me down, but then I’d be back in the same rut. Miserable. There’s no time for loser talk though. Chin Up. Move forward. Think happy thoughts!

But it does take time and it’s not instant. It’s not the Biggest Loser Ranch over here, where they workout for hours and hours each day. It’s life and it’s busy. But feeling better is half the battle and that my friends is my instant gratification. I don’t feel as bloated and my mind is much clearer. I feel better. I just have to wait a little bit to feel super awesome, when the fluff melts away. And the fluff will melt away!

4/16/14 WOD

Warm Up Game: coaches choice (have fun)
I don’t know that our “games” were fun. We held Planks in the Push Up Position and passed a Medball around like hot potato. But after you got the ball and passed it you had to do a push up. When one person fell, the circle got smaller. The was a burner on the triceps. I was out after a couple of minutes. The second game was a 200m run with a cone. Kind of like carrying an egg on a spoon run. I gave up after 100m.

4/16/14 WOD

4/16/14 WOD

MetCon TEAM WOD – at least 3 person teams. 1 person working you must tag in from the starting line (mats)

5 min cap
40 Pull Ups
50 Russian KB swings 1.5 Pood for everyone

rest 2 min

8 min cap
100 Sit Ups
70 Back Squats 75# for everyone

rest 2 min

3 min cap
15 Burpees
10 ft ring for the guys
8 ft for the ladies

For our first round, only one of us has Pull Ups. But coach allowed us to do Ring Rows instead of Pull Ups but we couldn’t do more than half of the reps. So Tory, did 10 Pull Ups, Karen and I did 10 Ring Rows each and Tory finished with 10 more Pull Ups. Then we moved onto the Russian KB Swings. I put in 25 reps and Karen tagged in and picked up the other 25. Thankful that Tory could do Pull Ups, she got a break! Time: 3:51

For the second round we were pretty confident going in. Tory started us off with 30 Sit Ups. She felt she was slowing down, so she tagged Karen in. Well Karen went all out and busted 50 reps in, leaving me with only 20 to do. Back Squats were light but for some reason I wasn’t feeling it. Tory started us off with 15, Karen and I both did sets of 10 and then I don’t remember the rest. But we got our 70 reps in. Time: 6:45

And finally the third round. Burpees then jump and touch 8ft target. Before class even started I was practicing to reach the target and I was missing it by half an inch. Tory then pointed out I might be better off if I was directly under the target instead of Jumping at it from an angle. Well that worked! So I was ready. Time started and Tory did 15 of the reps right off the bat. Easy! So Karen and I split up the 5. My first attempt at hitting the target was a fail but I finally got it and didn’t have a problem after that. We didn’t get our time written on the board but it was some were around 1:33.

Overall that was a good Team WOD … no running involved!

Midline: accumulate 5 min of low plank
I know all this midline work is good for me but it’s really a pain in my arse. I held on for 1 1/2 minutes before I dropped. Then finished in 20 – 45 sec increments. Took me right at 8 minutes to accumulate 5 minutes worth of plank.

MetCon: 4 rounds of 200 m run, 10 DL 225/155 and 10 T2B followed by TABATA dips
I warmed up to 135lbs on my Deadlift and it felt heavy, maybe cause I’m tired. Who knows. But I thought 20 more lbs. I just need to throw it on there. I did a couple and was like I’ll be slow but it’s doable. I forgot however that Toes To Bar followed! Doh. We just killed our core doing plank. Now I have Deadlifts and T2B after a run. I just wasn’t sure I’d survive.

4/17/14 WOD

4/17/14 WOD

And we’re off. My shins hate me, but I ran most of the first 200m, just walked in the last 10m or so. Then I got 5 DLs in before dropping the bar, then did the other 5. Got to the T2B and slowly did one at a time. I can’t string them together and it takes a lot of effort to do just one, but I am getting better. I didn’t even look at the clock when I finished round one cause I knew it would be sad. The “running” part of my runs got shorter and shorter each time but I at least trotted or jogged 3/4 of the run. I got a little better at the Deadlifts and stayed about the same with T2B. Time: 21:10 RX.

I was still dying when I was reminded we had TABATA dips to still complete. TABATA is doing a movement for 20 seconds, then resting for 10 seconds for 8 rounds. It doesn’t seem like it would be hard but it’s not easy. This is a workout where you want to get as many reps as possible in the 20 seconds. Then the goal is to meet that same rep count each round. Your lowest score is your score. I did modified dips and started off with 6 then dropped to 5, then 4, then held out at 3. My triceps died. Score: 3

That’s A Wrap!
My biggest battles are the weekends. On the go = opportunity to eat really really bad. Hopefully I can conquer this weekend and be successful! I hope you all will too. It’s Resurrection Weekend aka Easter to most folks. A weekend that has the potential to be full of lots of yummy foods and candies. Show some restraint if you can because this weekend isn’t supposed to be based on celebrating food. Unfortunately, as a society, myself included that’s what we are drawn to – FOOD (savory meals, big desserts, easter candy). Sure there’s fellowship and church and family but a lot of times FOOD is the center piece to all of the above. I’m not opposed to indulging every now and then but if you’re on a mission, whether your months in or days in. Just remember you have work to do and you don’t have to go nutso on the eating. And if you by chance do lose it, it’s going to be ok. Monday is a whole new day. Have a beautiful weekend!